
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15 2.0 Office Suite
Guide to New Features

Last Updated: 6 February 2005

This feature guide is a list of new features in 2.0 as compared to 1.1.

The guide was compiled by Sophie Gautier and Elizabeth Matthias with input from many proofreaders, with final copy editing conducted by Valden Longhurst and Ron Ness. Writer (.odt and .sxw), and PDF versions of the guide are available for printing, offline viewing or translation. Please send any comments or feedback for inclusion in future editions of the features guide to the Marketing Project email list, or append to issue 28741.

-- Jacqueline

Table of Contents

General Features
Interoperability with Microsoft Office and Other Products
Installation and Configuration
Asian Language Features
Developer-Specific Features

The background colors in the following tables indicate the respective modules and the yellow stars highlight the particularly useful features.

Cell Color Module







All (or modules other than those listed above)

General Features

New Feature

Modules Affected


How to Access

Word count in selections

spec link


Now you can count both words and characters in the currently selected text and compare it against the whole document. This new menu item makes it quick and easy.

Select the text in which you want to count the words and choose Tools - Word Count.

Nested tables

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This allows much more flexibility by allowing you to insert a second table into a primary table's cell.

This feature also improves the document import / export of Microsoft (R) Word documents, which may contain nested tables.

Place your cursor in the desired cell of a table, choose Table - Insert - Table.

Bullets and numbering in table cells

issue 20188


This allows you to format several cells with either bullets or numbers with a single mouse click.

Furthermore, numbering and bullet functionality is now available within table cells when multiple cells are selected.

Select one or more cells in a table, click the Numbering On/Off or the Bullets On/Off button on the Formatting toolbar.

Hidden text attributes addition

spec link


This 'Hidden Text' character attribute can be applied to hide various text within your document.

Choose Format - Character - Font Effects - Hidden.

You can choose View - Nonprinting Characters to toggle the display of hidden text, provided Tools - Options - Writer - Formatting Aids - Display of Hidden text is set.

Shortcut for Edit - Paste Special


You can now use the keyboard to perform this action also found under the menu Edit - Paste Special.

Press Shift+Ctrl+V.

Default tab stop position changed in Illustration Index, Index of Tables, and Table of Objects

issue 3961


This feature makes the behavior consistent with the behavior of tab stops in a Tables of Contents. The tab stop is now aligned right and uses the '.' (dot) as a fill character.

Better object positioning with 'Follow text flow' option

spec link


The functionality for positioning various objects (such as frames) in Writer text has been enhanced. The new option 'Follow text flow' has been introduced for Writer frames.

In the format dialog for Writer frames on the tab page 'Type' in area 'Position' :

If option 'Follow text flow' is activated, the Writer frame has to follow the text flow and can only be positioned inside its anchor.

If option 'Follow text flow' is deactivated the Writer frame doesn't follow the text flow, but can now be positioned on the complete page with the anchor.

Vertical alignment of 'Line of text' addition

spec link


To enable better conversion of Writer documents to Microsoft (R) Word format and vice versa, vertical alignment at line has been introduced for Writer frames which are anchored to characters.

In the format dialog for Writer frames on the tab page 'Type' in area 'Position', the selection list for the vertical alignments is extended by the entry 'Line of Text' for Writer frames that are anchored to a character. The possible positions already exist.

Vertical text direction in tables addition

spec link


You can now specify a different text flow direction for each cell of a table. By default, the text flow within a table follows the same direction as the page it is in.

Select one or more cells in a table then choose Table - Table Properties - Text Flow - Text Direction to set the text direction you require.

Enhanced selection for text and tables

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You can select whole sentences or paragraphs quickly and easily with left mouse-clicks. (Multiple selections using the CTRL key are also possible using this technique.)

Triple-click the left mouse button anywhere in a sentence to select the whole sentence (not the line as in 1.0); quadruple-click to select the paragraph. (Double-clicking on a word still selects the word as in 1.0).

Table number recognition default changes


Number recognition in tables is now switched off by default so numbers you enter will not be changed automatically.

To turn the number recognition back on, choose Tools - Options - Writer - Table .

Mail Merge feature changed

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New users are assisted by a Merge Wizard. Advanced users will get a Toolbar from which the most needed functions for creating a Merge are accessible. The new Merge will be much more flexible in managing and editing databases and allows saving into one single file.

Under Tools menu, choose Mail Merge Wizard . . . .

Bibliography has a Tools - Customize menu entry

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Users can customize the Bibliography Menu and Short Keys.

Choose Tools - Bibliography Database - Tools – Customize.

Paragraph Spacing on Table Borders

spec link

Writer 2.0 now considers spacing and indent set for left / right and for above / below paragraphs when calculating the entire spacing to a table's border. Those two sorts of spacing (paragraph and table) are now being added instead of only considering the distance to the border set in the table's properties. This new feature improves the Microsoft interoperability and is also set as default for new created Writer documents to improve the export to Microsoft Word format.

Accelerator Key to move paragraphs

issue 26485


Now, not only does Ctrl+Alt+Key Up/Down move a paragraph up/down but Ctrl + Key Up/Down does the same.

Press Ctrl + Key Up/Down to move a paragraph.

Change in context menu in read only documents


The context menu in 'read only' documents in Writer and Writer/Web now has a 'Copy' entry to copy selected content to the clipboard.

Select the part of the text to be copied, right click on the selected text and select 'copy' on context menu.

Property 'Manual line break' change


For text input form controls, the property 'Manual line break' has been removed from the property browser. Instead, the functionality is now controlled by the 'Horizontal scrollbar' property.

Property 'Scale' addition


The property 'Scale', which was previously available for image controls in the Basic dialog editor only, is now also available for image controls and image buttons in forms.

The semantics are the same: When set to 'Yes' (the default), the image is scaled to fit the entire control, when set to 'No', it's centered in the control. There are no file format changes or compatibility issues (it will even work if you export such controls to StarOffice 5.2 format and open it in SO 5.x), as the property was always present, but not offered on the previous UI.

Scrollbar form control embedding

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The new scrollbar form control can be embedded in all documents which support a form layer.

There is an icon on the 'Form Functions' toolbar, denoting a scrollbar control. The icon is positioned to the left of the 'Button' icon.

In the form navigator, the scrollbar controls are indicated with the following icon: form navigator vertical scrollbar

Spin button form control embedding

spec link


The new spin button form control can be embedded in all documents which support a form layer.

An icon form button spin control icon which can be used to create a spin button is placed in the form functions toolbar, in the first row, left of the 'Button' icon.

Property browser enhancements

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The property browser for modifying various aspects of form and dialog controls, as well as logical forms is now easier to use. For example, Horizontal scroll bar and Vertical scroll bar will be merged into a Scrollbars property, which is a list box containing all 4 combinations, namely None, Horizontal, Vertical, Both (Applies to: Text Box).

Properties of navigation bar form control improved

spec link


The way properties of the navigation bar form control are displayed in the property browser has been improved. Plus, a new icon has been added to the form functions toolbar. It can be used to create navigation bar form controls in an application supporting a form layer.

The 'Navigation Bar' icon is on the right of the upper row of the toolbar. navigation bar icon

Keyboard select / deselect all sheets capability


When multiple sheets in a spreadsheet are selected, it is now possible to deselect them using the keyboard.

To select multiple sheets with keyboard, use the shortcuts CTRL+SHIFT+PAGE(UP/DOWN). The same shortcuts will deselect all sheets,that are selected.

Scenario protection addition

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Now you can protect scenarios. Scenarios allow you to create a set of grouped data which may change depending on what item or scenario you choose from the drop-down list.

Enhanced header/footer dialog

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Choose from a predefined set of headers and footers. This feature also increases compatibility with Microsoft (R) Excel header and footer handling.

To create a header or footer, first choose OK on the Edit Screen and then OK on the Header/Footer screen.

Page fields in DataPilot enhancement

spec link


A field used as a page field in a DataPilot table can also be used as a data item in the same table.

The DataPilot dialog's 'Layout' section has a new orientation area 'Page' - in addition to the existing 'Column', 'Row' and 'Data' areas.

Additional field options in DataPilot

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To increase flexibility and interoperability with Microsoft (R) Office, the DataPilot has been extended to allow more settings for each field.

A 'More >>' button has been added in the Data Value dialog to allow for the selection, in each data field, of a type of display from a drop down list.

Additional table options in the DataPilot

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Two new options for DataPilot tables control the 'Filter' button cell, and the interaction to show or hide details. The 'show details' function is able to add fields to a DataPilot table (sometimes known as 'drill down').

The two check boxes are accessible from the More section.

Enhanced number recognition

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There is new handling of reformatting when numbers are entered into cells with a different number format. The behavior is more understandable for Calc users as well as users migrating from Excel or other spreadsheet applications.

Calc will only apply a new format type to an already formatted cell in case the recognized input value's format type is incompatible with the existing format type *and * the existing format type is one of the default formats of category 'Number', 'Date', 'Time' or 'Boolean'.

New menu entry 'Sheet from File' in Insert menu


You can easily insert a 'Sheet from file' from the Insert menu.

From the Insert menu, choose 'Sheet from file.' The File - Open dialog will appear. Choose a file. The Insert - Sheet dialog will appear with the 'From file' radio button preselected. The sheets of the selected file are already shown in the list box. A dialog will open to let the user choose the place where to insert the sheet in the previous spreadsheet and which sheet to insert (which could be a new one).

Increased row limit

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The number of spreadsheet rows has been increased to the same number of rows Microsoft (R) Excel offers. The maximum number of rows in a spreadsheet is now 65536.

Enhanced creation of named cell ranges

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The Name dialog in Calc can be used to define new cell ranges by simply typing a name. The immediate display of a tool tip tells the user she is about to create a new named cell range.

The user selects a cell area. The user clicks into the text field of the sheet area field. This activates the text control and the entire content is selected. The user enters a name. The user hits <RETURN> or <ENTER> key.

Enhancement of conditional array calculations

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Array formulas, such as the following, can now be used: {=IF(A1:A3>0;"good";"bad")} .

Diagonal line in cells

spec link


Cells can contain diagonal lines now. This is an extension of the 'outer border lines' attribute of a cell.

Choose Format – Cells - Borders. Then under the Borders tab, select the diagonal you want to add to the cell.

Cell formatting and deletion of cells / contents leaves filtered-out cells untouched

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When cells are filtered (using AutoFilter, Standard Filter or Advanced Filter), the following actions now don't effect the filtered rows, acting as if there was a multiple selection without those rows.

- Deleting cell contents,

- Deleting rows (deleting single cells is disabled),

- Changing cell formats, including styles.

This applies to any Filter mode used.

Positioning and resizing cell notes

spec link


Cell notes can be an excellent tool for enhancing the understanding of the contents of a spreadsheet. For example, they can enhance the understanding of a formula. But, when viewed, they should not prevent the user from seeing other cell content or other cell notes . Thus the ability to reposition and/or resize the note layout is a very understandable feature.

Right-click the cell containing the Note and choose Show Note. You can then reposition the Note, or resize it or change its formatting.



The Drawing Toolbar has been reworked to provide a rich set of new commonly used drawing shapes such as: Basic, Block Arrow, Symbol, Flowchart and Stars & Banners . Furthermore the huge number of different arrow types in our lines and connectors toolbox has been reduced.

The geometry of CustomShapes is editable by the user through modifier handles. CustomShapes can be converted to 3-D through extrusion and provide 3-D effects for Fontwork. They can be imported / exported to commonly known formats without loss.

New Presentation engine

spec link


Default 'Run Macro' setting more intuitive


The default 'Run Macro' setting for document macros has been changed from 'According To Path List' to 'Never.'

When you open a document containing macros, a dialog will ask you if you want to run the embedded macros .

Terminology changes


The term AutoPilot has been changed everywhere to Wizard. This conforms to common office suite terminology and will help make our wizards more recognizable for users.

Choose, for example, File - Wizards.

Additional locale data


New locale data (and string in language list box if not already present): #i15834# Malaysian, ms_MY #i16276# Bulgarian, bg_BG #i18069# Interlingua, ia #i18659# Serbian Latin, sh_YU #i18659# Serbian Cyrillic, sr_YU #i20613# Croatian, hr_HR #i27248# Bosnian, bs_BA #i27677# Mongolian, mn_MN #i30508# Azerbaijani, az_AZ New entries in language listbox: #i19321# Galician #i19333# Dhivehi #i19334# Northern Sotho #i26025# Gaelic #i30446# Bengali (Bangladesh) #i30448# Occitan #i30888# Khmer #i31143# North Korea: Korean (DPRK) Changed: #i31143# South Korea: Korean - Korean (RoK) #i14764# Lithuanian (Lithuania) - Lithuanian, and several more locales.

New toolbar concept and design

spec link


Toolbars retain their context-sensitive behavior, but now the toolbars are structured in a more usable fashion and displaying only carefully selected default tools.

You can change the toolbars in Writer, Calc, Draw, etc. to suit your needs. Moving, removing and duplicating a tool (icon) is fast and easy.

Choose Tools - Customize - Toolbars to see the new tabbed page.

You can also click the arrow icon located at the end of each toolbar to open a menu which provides the following options: Dock Toolbar, Lock Toolbar Position, Dock All Toolbars, Visible Buttons, Customize Toolbar.

Toolbars are now also customizable using 'drag & drop'.

Drag and drop style creation additions

spec link


Drag and drop a text selection into the Styles and Formatting window to create a new paragraph style or character style (soft formatting).

In Writer:

Select a part of your text and then drag the text to the Styles and Formatting window. If the Paragraph Styles are active (click icon to display list of styles) the paragraph's style will be added to the list. If Character Styles are active (click icon) the character's style will be added to the list.

In Calc:

Drag cell selection to the Styles and Formatting window to create cell styles.

In Draw / Impress:

Select and drag drawing objects to the Styles and Formatting window to create graphics styles.

Recently-used file list extended to 10 items

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The File menu gives access to recently used documents. This list is extended to 10 items. It is also a sub menu in order to improve the usability of the File menu.

Choose File - Recent Documents.

New menu customization tab page

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The usability of the Menu tab page of the Tools - Customize dialog is being improved to make it easier for users to create customized menus and menu items to suit their needs.

Choose Tools - Customize - Menus.

As in previous versions of, the menu tab is part of the Customize dialog which is accessed from Tools - Customize. The new Menu tab page is divided into three main areas, an area for adding or modifying menus; an area for modifying the content of a menu; and an area which displays a description of the selected menu entry.

The 'Menu' area provides a drop down list box listing all of the Menus in the current context. Sub menus are listed with the names of their parent menus prepended, each menu name being separated by a '|' character.

Within the 'Menu Content' area, users can modify the content of a custom or module menu by adding items to the menu or rearranging items, for example.
The 'Save In' drop down box is used to switch between editing menu configurations for the module or for particular documents. When the Menu tab is created, the Save In drop down is populated with one entry for the module (e.g. Writer) and one entry for each open document of that module (e.g. all open Writer documents).When the tab is created, if the document for which the menu tab was opened (ie. the document in which the user selected the Tools/Customize menu) has its own menu configuration defined, then that document will be selected in the Save In drop down list. Otherwise the module will be selected in the drop down list.

The description area displays the extended Tool Tip of an selected menu entry.

'Send - Document as E-mail' configuration enhancement

spec link


With Send - Document as E-mail, offers functionality to open a new e-mail composer window with the active document directly attached. 2.0 will greatly simplify the task of configuring the email client to be used for this feature.

Tools - Options - - External Programs, pressing the ellipsis ('. . .') button opens the default file selection dialog with the initial directory set to the platforms default directory for binaries (/usr/bin on Unix).

Redesign of the Events tab in the renamed Tools - Configure dialog

spec link


The usability of the Events tab of the Tools - Customize (formerly Tools - Configure) dialog has been improved to make it easier for users to create event bindings and align this tab with usability changes in the other tabs.

As in previous versions of, the events tab is part of the Customize dialog which is accessed from the Tools - Customize menu item. The two Macros list boxes have been removed from the dialog, and the Events list box expanded to fill the available space.

The User should first select the location in which they which to save an event binding. This is done using the 'Save In' list box. This will contain the name of the current document (initially selected on opening the tab page) and %PRODUCTNAME. The user then selects the event to which they wish to bind a macro and presses the 'Assign Macro' button which will launch the Macro Selector (it can also be launched by double-clicking the event name). The User selects the desired macro and clicks OK. The main list box is updated to show the URL of the selected macro.

All bindings are saved when the User clicks the OK button. Clicking the Cancel button will ignore all changes made since the dialog was opened. Clicking the Reset button will clear all application and document bindings.

Additional file format conforming to the OASIS standard

spec link


Exchange documents with any other software that recognizes this standard format. 2.0 and StarOffice 8 use the new OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) standard XML (eXtensible Markup Language) file format as their default file format.

The new file names are the same regardless of the product vendor. You will not only find this new file format used in StarOffice and, but also in KOffice and a growing number of products that support this new standard.

New file format names and extensions:

OpenDocument Text [.odt]
OpenDocument Text Template [.ott]
OpenDocument Master Document [.odm]

Writer Web:
OpenDocument HTML Document Template [.oth]

OpenDocument Spreadsheet [.ods]
OpenDocument Spreadsheet Template [.ots]

OpenDocument Drawing [.odg]
OpenDocument Drawing Template [.otg]

OpenDocument Presentation [.odp]
OpenDocument Presentation Template [.otp]

OpenDocument Formula [.odf]

OpenDocument Chart [.odc]

OpenDocument Database [.odb]

Redesigned and improved toolbar content

spec link


Not only have the toolbars been redesigned and reordered, but the number of icons (tools) for each toolbar has been reduced to provide better usability.

Display more toolbars than the ones visible by default under View - Toolbars; mark the toolbars you want to see. Otherwise the toolbars that appear will fit the document or work at hand.

Change information in window title bar

spec link


Instead of showing the file name or the title (if available) and the software name on the window title bar, now the file name plus the office component name (e.g. Writer, Calc, Impress, etc.) will be displayed.

This text is on the title bar at top of the document window, above the menu bar.

Digital signatures and encryption enhancement

spec link


Digital signatures offer secure protection of document content. The new XML (eXtensible Markup Language) encryption algorithm offers additional security.

Choose: File - Digital Signatures to open the dialog.

If a signed document is loaded, shows a little red seal icon in the status bar at the bottom of the document window. Right-click the icon on the status bar to open the context menu, where you can also find the menu entry Digital Signatures.

New file thumbnails for preview

spec link


The new plug-in for the file system explorer displays a thumbnail preview of an file.

The standard file system explorer on all three relevant desktops Gnome (Nautilus), KDE (Konqueror), and Windows (Explorer) support a thumbnail view mode in which a small preview of the respective file system object will be displayed if available.

Keyboard support for assigning paragraph styles

spec link


You can assign key combinations to paragraph styles to allow you to quickly apply those styles while typing in a document, without mouse or dialog interaction. This is especially important for accessibility.

Choose Tools - Customize - Keyboard

A set of predefined shortcuts for 'ParagraphStyles' is provided for Writer.

Interoperability with Microsoft Office and Other Products

New Feature

Modules Affected


How to Access

Better positioning of floating toolbars

spec link


The positioning of floating toolbars was adjusted so Writer documents can be compatible to Microsoft (R) Word documents.

Choose Tools - Option - Text Document - Compatibility.

If the new option is OFF, the changed positioning of floating screen objects will be applied. If the new option is ON, the former positioning of floating screen objects will be applied.

The default value of the option for new documents will be OFF, but when older Writer documents are detected, the value changes to ON.

Automatic resize of text frames

spec link


You can automatically resize the width of text frames, depending on the width of the text within them.

This feature is unique to

Choose Insert - Frame.

Automatic page and column breaks

spec link


Microsoft (R) Word documents with tables can more easily be converted to Writer documents and vice versa. A new option to allow for splitting of all rows (or rows which are selected) at page and column breaks has been added.

Open the Table (or Table Properties) dialog, choose the Text Flow tab page.

Better adjustment of text lines formatting

spec link


The formatting of text lines with a given proportional line spacing has been adjusted for better conversion from / to Writer documents and Microsoft (R) Word documents.

Choose Tools - Option - Text document - Compatibility. - Use 1.1/StarOffice 6.0/7 line spacing.

When the new option is OFF, the changed formatting of text lines with proportional line spacing will be applied. If the new option is ON, the former formatting of text lines with proportional line spacing will be applied.

When importing Microsoft (R) Word documents, the option automatically be set to OFF.

Collapsible table borders

spec link


Collapsing table borders has been enabled.

Choose Format - Table - Borders. A check box 'Merge adjacent line styles' is found on the Property area.

WriterPerfect filter

spec link


The WordPerfect import filter is supported.

You can now open a WordPerfect document in

Better import and export of spin buttons and scrollbars

issue 27879


Import: (old-fashioned) Microsoft (R) Office 95 and (new) Microsoft ® Office 97 OLE spin buttons / scrollbars.

Export: All spin buttons / scrollbars are exported as old-fashioned Microsoft (R) Office 95 controls.

Enhanced page scaling for printing

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Increased compatibility with Microsoft (R) Excel: You can specify the number of horizontal and vertical pages.

Choose Format - Page - Sheet. The new option 'Fit print range(s) to width/height' has been added to this list box.
'Reduce/enlarge printout': A spin field specifying the amount of reducing/enlarging follows at the same height as the list box.
'Fit print range(s) to width/height': Two spin fields are shown. The upper spin field contains the width and is described by the fixed text 'Width in pages.' The lower spin field contains the height.

Reimplementation of Excel export formula compiler

issue 3724


The formula compiler in the Excel export filter has been reimplemented from scratch. Overview -- Where does Excel use formulas? - Simple formulas cells - Shared formula cells (a range of cells shares one formula) - Array formulas (a.k.a. matrix formulas) - Definition of defined names (a.k.a. named ranges) - Conditions of conditional formatting - Conditions of data validation - Source cell range in list validation - Print ranges, print title ranges - Source ranges of auto and advanced filters - Source area of charts - Linked cell of form controls - Source cell range of list form controls (listbox, combobox).

Lotus 1-2-3 import supporting version 9.7

issue 34806


The Lotus 1-2-3 import now also loads files of Lotus versions up to 9.7, the file type list box lists the .123 file name extension additionally to the already known .wk1 and .wks extensions. Opening a Lotus 1-2-3 file without selecting a filter type now loads the file into Calc instead of Writer. The feature set supported is similar to the old *.wk? versions, with the addition of text attributes.

Support of Hyperlink() function

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The URL parameter specifies the link target while the CellText displays the formula result in the cell. If the CellText is omitted, the URL will be used for both  the URL and the cell result.

Improved font-independent line spacing


To improve the compatibility between Impress and Microsoft (R) PowerPoint, line spacing in Impress now no longer depends on the font which is used.

The import filter for Power Point documents will now create text objects having font independent line spacing enabled.

New slide show subsystem

issue 20477


The underlying model data representation for animation effects now borrows from SMIL (see, and is able to handle nearly all of the PPT effects.

You'll find two new task panels, namely one for shape effect and one for slide transitions.

Import of password protected Microsoft (R) office documents

spec link

Writer and Calc

Password-protected Microsoft (R) Office Word and Excel files can now be loaded when the StarOffice / user knows the password that protects the file in Microsoft (R) Office.

Start to open a password-protected document and the Enter Password dialog will appear.

Import / Export XSLT filter for Microsoft Spreadsheetml and Wordml

issue 33450


The import and export filter of Microsoft's XML formats Spreadsheetml and Wordml are becoming part of the default installation set. Earlier they belong to the optional 'XSLT Filter Samples'.

Choose Tools - XML Filters Settings, a dialog box for XML filters will open.

Installation and Configuration

New Feature

Modules Affected


How to Access

Easier workstation installations

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You no longer need a user installation.

There is no more sversion.ini (sversionrc).There are no more links in the user directory to the network installation.

There is a new dialog in the (network) setup, in which the user is asked, whether the system integration has to be done for:

  • 0 user (only for installations on a file server) (OPTIONAL)

  • 1 user

  • all users of the computer

A system integration for all users would require root rights at the PC.

Instead of the flags NETWORK, WORKSTATION and STANDALONE the new installation mechanism provides an ALL_USER or a ONE_USER installation type.

Native system theme integration (native widget rendering)

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To enhance integration of with the underlying operating system, all user interface elements (such as buttons and scrollbars) will have the same look as those used in most other 'native' applications for that platform. will react on-the-fly to changes of the desktop theme, so when the user changes the desktop colors or theme, will adjust its own appearance to match.

Native system theme integration will be available for Gnome (version 2.4 or higher), Microsoft (R) Windows (including XP and future versions), and KDE (version 3.2 and higher) desktop environments. On Windows XP the 'Windows XP Style' must be chosen under Settings - Control Panel - Display - Appearance to achieve the correct look.

Theme integration will be the default for desktop environments that support it (listed above). Systems (for example, Windows 98/ME/2000, CDE) that do not support it will see no visual change in On supported systems will always adopt the theme of the system and cannot choose not to do so.

Automatic and better Java configuration

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You can determine which version of Java is used by A check box also allows you to specify that Java not be used.

Choose Tools - Options - - Java. You do not have to select a version of Java manually as it will be done automatically if necessary, but you can if you want.

There is a list where each entry represents a Java installation found on the system or on a mapped/mounted network drive. The process of finding the Java locations is performed by the Java framework.

If the user switches Java off, then all other related settings will be disabled. The settings made before you unmark the 'Use Java' check box remain intact and are saved when you click 'OK.'

Better native installing handling

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This document describes how installation-dependent configuration data can be installed with native installers. The mechanism used previously had certain conceptual problems and can't be readily ported to non-native installers. The document also describes how installation-dependent configuration data is defined for the new schema. In the solution described, installation-dependent configuration is defined together with its globally available counterpart in module officecfg. During the build process this master data is split into globally available common data, locale-dependent data and installation-dependent data. During installation, installation-dependent data is first installed into a spool directory and then imported from that directory into the active configuration tree, by using a UNO (Universal Network Object) importer service during post-installation. In typical native installers the importer service is executed by helper CLI-program.

Configuration module files are first copied into a spool directory. The location of the (new) directory is $(install)/share/registry/spool.

In a post-install step the content of the spool directory is merged together into the actual configuration layer in use. This concept is already realized today in pkgchk installation of per-package configuration data. This merging is realized using the configimport tool. This is a command-line tool that invokes the same UNO service as used by pkgchk to merge the package configuration layer.

After a package containing configuration data was installed or uninstalled, the old merged configuration layer is discarded and the layer is recreated from the spool directory. The location of the (new) layer is $(install)/share/registry/modules.

Better handling of localized descriptions of registry schema items

issue 18588

The *.properties files containing localized descriptions and labels for configuration schema items are not installed (under $(install)/share/registry/res) any more. There were no clients of this data left. [Note: the internal 'ecomp' product is broken by this, but is being removed currently and should not be tested any more. Instead the schema item descriptions (only the default language--in all known cases English) are now left inside the installed schema files (under $(install)/share/registry/schema), where they can be found by interested users (developers or system administrators) much more easily.

ISO 8601 Date/Time input

The number formatter now recognizes input conforming to ISO 8601 as valid date/time input, regardless of the locale being selected.

The number formatter's input recognition is used by the spreadsheet application for cell data input and by the text processor's table input, for example.

Configuration generates output via logging service

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In order to increase the robustness of the office application against corrupted configuration data, the configuration database will support automatic recovery from unusable data. Additionally, diagnostic capabilities are provided that allow administrators or support services to obtain log output to identify the cause of configuration problems. As an added benefit the mechanisms put in place can be used by any client of the UNO configuration API to provide meaningful and context-sensitive error handling for configuration failures.

AutoRecovery of files and Work environment

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The Error Reporting Tool and the document recovery features are combined into one work flow. When crashes, the documents will be saved and users get informed about the upcoming recovery process, followed by sending out an error report.

First Start Wizard

spec link

Due to the change of the setup process in StarOffice 8, the migration of user settings can no longer be done as part of the setup. Furthermore, anyone wanting to migrate any settings had to do this by writing a special setup plugin. The migration process will now be done when the is started for the first time. It should be easy to define items to be migrated.

At the first start-up, of the office, you'll be prompt for some migration information if a previous release of exists on your computer.

Changes to resource handling

spec link 2.0 will have the ability to add language packs to an already installed version. This will eliminate the need to install a complete office suite for each language in 1.x.

Start Module

spec link

The Start Module – formerly known as the Backing Window in OpenOffice 1.1 – becomes an optional module. A configuration setting is used to disable the Start Module if required for a site installation.

When in the Start Module, choose Tools - Customize.


New Feature

Modules Affected


How to Access

New database application

spec link


In this new stand-alone database, you can create forms, reports, queries, tables, views and relations. The forms, reports and queries are stored in a single file format allowing you to handle your database the same way you would other popular databases.

The user can start the database application by double-clicking an Base file, through the File - Open menu or via the File - New menu in every application.

Improved end-of-line interoperability

spec link


When processing multi-line text on a computer, there have always been two major approaches on how to indicate a line break in a text. Depending on which approach is used for a particular data set, applications working with this data need to take different measures to properly deal with the data.

Database access is also affected by this. When storing multi line text in a database table (field), the approach used is chosen by the database designer. To allow the user the most flexibility in designing the database and to improve's capabilities to interoperate with databases, the multi-line text field in database forms will include a setting on which approach to take.

A new property called Line end format is introduced and available as a drop down list box.

Depending on the setting of this property, the text (which can be obtained from the control via API) will contain either DOS(carriage return + line feed) or Unix(line feed) line ends. As a result, when such a field is bound to a database column, the text entered by the user will be stored to this database column with the chosen line end format.

The default value for this property is Unix for backwards compatibility reasons.

Additional information in text columns

spec link


Table controls in forms allow insertion of text columns and will be refit with the Multiline property which is already known from normal text field controls.

Since normally only one line of text is visible in a table control, the currently displayed line in such a multi line input field follows the cursor. If the height of the rows in the table data view permits displaying more than one line, then the visible line is where the cursor is placed.

If a multi line table cell (i.e. a cell in a column which has set the Multiline property to 'Yes') is not active, then the very first line of the contained text is the first visible line in the cell area.

When set to Yes, the input field for this column allows displaying and entering of multi-line text.

LDAP authentication enhancement

spec link


You can now connect to an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server using secure sockets layer.

See Username, Password required and Use secure connection in LDAP configuration page of the DataSource Administrator Dialog.

Additional dialogs to ADO

spec link


A new browse dialog allows the user to create and edit ADO (Microsoft (R) ActiveX Data Object) connection strings from a graphical interface.

Microsoft(R) provides a standard OLE DB Data link configuration dialog in its OLE DB runtime libraries. There is an ADO connection string which shows the connection dialog. When users change anything and press the OK button,the new ADO connection string is returned.

Linguistic clarifications


The 'Character set' property for form controls has been renamed to 'Font' for linguistic consistency. In German, the text was changed from 'Zeichensatz' to 'Schrift.' See issue 26592 (irrelevant in an EN doc).

Button clarifications


In the data source browser, the Undo button has been changed from 'Undo: Data Input' to 'Undo: Data Entry.'

Toggling of alias names in SQL SELECT statements

spec link


When working with SQL (Structured Query Language) select statements, usually uses an alias name for tables such as 'SELECT * FROM <table> aliasname.' The 'aliasname' in this statement is a so-called table alias. However, some databases do not allow such aliases. The above statement would be replaced with 'SELECT * FROM <table>.' Some databases reject statements with aliases. features disabling or enabling of this behavior.

Additional SQL functionality

Database 2.0 drivers are capable of executing the numeric, string and datetime functions described in SQL92 for dBase, flatfile, and spreadsheets.

Better 'Filter' and 'Sort' criterion


When opening the 'Filter' or 'Sort' dialog from within either the data source browser or a database form, dialogs now will *not* append a new filter resp. sort criterion according to the currently focused control/column.

Corrective outer join escape sequencing

spec link


When working with drivers which do not fully support the JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) or ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) standard, the escape sequences may not be fully supported. Statement like the following won't work.
'SELECT * from {OJ xx left join yy . . . }' The data source works around the problem by removing the {OJ} keywords from the SQL statement.

Disable / Enable outer join sequence can be enabled on a per-data-source basis. For this, the 'Info' property of a data source should contain a name-value-pair with:
'Name: EnableOuterJoinEscape
Value: FALSE' .

Default value for connection pooling changed to false

issue 34787


As with every database driver, the connection pool is now disabled by default.

The options can be changed in Tools - Options – Base – Connections.

New Formwizard

spec link


Two new wizard panels extended the functionality to subforms.

Under Base, open the form wizard.

Table wizard

spec link


Tables can be created manually in the database beamer. However, a wizard for this purpose makes it easier--especially as it helps prevent design defects.

The dialog page gives the user an opportunity to choose all the fields he wants in his table, divided into two categories: 'private' and 'business'.

Database wizard

spec link


The new database application needs an easy to use entry point to create a new database file. These database files serve as an interface between the user and the actual data source.

Start the wizard using File - New menu.

Asian Language Features

New Feature

Modules Affected


How to Access

Additional translator for simplified to traditional Chinese

spec link


Chinese users are accustomed to having a built-in conversion between Simplified and Traditional Chinese. This conversion allows them to easily transfer between Chinese written text, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese characters. This is very close to the features of the Japanese 'Hiragana' and 'Katakana' and the Korean 'Hangul / Hanja Conversion'

Choose Tools - Language

Only available when CJK support under 'Tools - Options - Language Settings - Languages' is turned on. Otherwise the entry will remain hidden.

AutoFormat - Apply numbering extended for Chinese simplified and Japanese


Automatic numbering is now able to detect Chinese periods (0x3002); Chinese and Japanese brackets (0xff08 and 0xff09 ; and Japanese spaces (0x3000), numerals (0xff10 . . . 0xff19), and periods (0xff0e).

Support of 'Right-to-Left' sheets in Calc.

spec link


Support of 'Right-to-Left' sheets in Calc.

Right-click the sheet name and check or uncheck the option marked 'RTL.'

Developer-Specific Features

New Feature

Modules Affected


How to Access

Support for the 'XDataSinkEncrSupport' interface


The package component implements '::com::sun::star::packages::XDataSinkEncrSupport' interface now. This allows a raw representation of an encrypted stream to be retrieved which contains a header with encryption information. This allows the representation to store the stream to another package without description.

Improved CWS networker

spec link

There is now an interface between setup and first startup (Setup and SFX). After a network installation, which is the new standard, the office suite starts right away. The user installation has been abolished.

Improved scripting framework

spec link


The scripting framework allows users to write macros in a number of languages for execution in Users can assign these macros to menu items, keyboard combinations, application and document events, form controls within documents and various objects within documents.

The Scripting Framework can be configured by editing the file

/org/openoffice/scripting.xcu .

Alphabetical index change

Previous hard-coded index information has been moved from 'indexentrysupplier' to 'localedata,' which has created a new section (LC_INDEX) in the 'localedata' xml files. This section includes 3 parts: index key, script type and page words.

Index key defines a letter list for an index algorithm like A, B, C, . . . X, Y, Z for English Alphanumeric. It is possible to define more than one algorithm for a language such as 'pinyin', 'stroke' and 'radical' for Simplified Chinese. If the letter list is blank, then the individual UNO service for the algorithm should be provided. Script type defines Unicode range for the language, it is Unicode defined script type, like 0 for basic Latin, 10 for Hebrew, for example, we need 0 (basic Latin) and 1 (Latin 1 Supplement) to cover German. See offapi/com/sun/star/i18n/UnicodeScript.idl for the list of script type. Page words contain two words, like p. and pp. for English, f. and ff. for German. The words are used in the option 'Combine identical entries with p. or pp.'

New programmatic control of menu and toolbar items

spec link

Now third party developers can adapt menu bar and toolbar layouts to their needs. Menus and toolbars are accessible to UNO (Universal Network Objects) developers and provide access at runtime to interfaces allowing them to insert/remove/modify menu items, pop-up menus and toolbar items.

New locations of .sversionrc and commands to find them

Third party applications like the testtool can locate the office suite. The setup still writes a file named sversion.ini (for Windows) or .sversionrc (for Unix/Linux).

The file sversion.ini/ .sversionrc will be created by the setup program in the folder defined by the variable PREDEFINED_CONFIGDIR. This variable is define as follows:


single user install: folder for the current user.

all user install: folder for all users.

network install: folder for the current user.


single user install: home folder of the current user.

all user install: /etc/ folder of the system.

network install: folder of the current user.

Testtool finds these directories using a new, internal command. It works identically to the existing command 'String GetApplicationPath' which delivers the path for the single user and the network install. 'String GetCommonApplicationPath' delivers the path for an 'all user installation.' In order to find the place of an office installation, it would then be necessary to check both locations for an appropriate file with appropriate content.

Transparent use of UNO components from C++

spec link

If some client code wants to use office suite UNO  (Universal Network Objects) components, then the typical use case is that the client code is first looking for an existing office installation. If an installation is found, then the office process is verified to be running. If no office process is running, then an office process is started. After which the client code connects to the running office using remote UNO mechanisms in order to get the remote component context of that office. The client code can then use the remote component context to access arbitrary office UNO components. From the perspective of the client code, there is no difference between local and remote components.

The intent is to provide the component context in a more transparent way. The location of an existing office installation and the detection of a running office process should be hidden from the user.

A C++ client application which uses UNO is linked to the C++ UNO libraries - found in the program directory of a UNO installation. When running the client application, the C++ UNO libraries are found only if the UNO program directory is included in the PATH (for Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (for Unix/Linux) environment variable.

Basic IDE keyboard shortcut changes

Basic IDE

In the Basic IDE (Integrated Development Environment), the command 'BasicStop' shortcut was changed from Alt-F5 to Shift-F5. The shortcut Shift-F5 formerly executed the commands 'BasicStop' followed by 'RunBasic' .

The complete list of shortcuts follows in the following format: shortcut, command, action.

- F5 RunBasic This runs code starting from the first line, or from the current breakpoint, if the program stopped there before.

- Shift-F5 BasicStop Stops execution of the code.

- F7 AddWatch Adds a watch for the variable at the cursor position.

- F8 BasicStepInto Single steps through each statement-- starting at either the first line or at the statement where the program execution previously stopped .

- Shift-F8 BasicStepOver Single steps (as with F8) but a function call is considered to be only one execution step.

- F9 ToggleBreakPoint Sets or removes a breakpoint at the current line or all breakpoints in the current selection.

- Shift-F9 ToggleBreakPointEnabled Enables / disables the breakpoint at the current line or all breakpoints in the current selection.

Enhanced Basic IDE macro chooser and organizer

spec link

Basic IDE

The Scripting Framework allows the user to develop macros in languages other than Basic. To allow the user to manage their macros, this document describes the changes to the Tools - Macros sub menus and the dialogs it launches.

Users will find access to the various dialogs for macro management via the Tools sub-menu.

The first entry in the sub-menu is for recording Macros (in Basic only). The second entry presents the Script Selector in a mode that allows the user to select and run a macro. The third menu entry, 'Organize . . . ' presents a sub menu containing one entry for each language. As BeanShell and JavaScript will be part of, at least the three languages are listed by default. The fourth entry is 'Digital Signature.'
The fifth entry, 'Organize Dialogs,' presents the Macro Organizer with the Dialog tab page selected. Except for Basic, these entries bring up the appropriate organizer dialog (the Scripting Organizer for other languages). In case of Basic, the macro-dialog presents the full functionality for Basic Macros-- including opening the macro organizer.

testtool: new commands to min/max/restore windows

Quality Assurance

Added the following methods for Document-Windows + .Close + BOOL .IsMax + BOOL .IsMin + BOOL .IsRestore + .Minimize + .Maximize + .Restore.

testtool: read from windows registry

Quality Assurance

+ getRegistryValue (sPath as string, sKey as string) as string On win32 systems return the Entry, if exists; otherwise, return empty string. On Unix / Linux systems return always empty string only the following schemata are allowed: HKEY_CURRENT_USER HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

testtool: read out destination of symbolic link

Quality Assurance

+ getLinkDestination (sLink as string) as string On Unix/Linux systems: Return the destination for a given Link. It sLink is no Link, return sLink. on win32 systems always return sLink.

File locking enabled by default on Unix/Linux platforms

Better file locking has been enabled by default on Unix/Linux platforms.

The file locking behavior still remains controllable via the environment variable 'SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING' but, in contrast to earlier versions, the environment variable must now be explicitly cleared if file locking on these platforms is not desired.

The javamaker now generates .class instead of .java files

The javamaker tool (generating Java classes for UNOIDL entities) now directly generates Java .class files instead of .java source files. Futhermore, all uses of the javamaker within the code base have been adapted.

Dependent types are now always generated by cppumaker

Since header files in cppu/inc/com/sun/star/uno (Any.hxx, Reference.hxx, Type.h) #include some generated .hdl/.hpp files, those are now *always* generated by cppumaker:,, (unless those types are only found in a registry passed to cppumaker with the -X option). This implies cppumaker always needs to find those types in some of the registries passed to it.

Single-interface-based services with no constructors


A single-interface-based service written in UNOIDL as service 'SomeService: XSomeIfc {};' used to be interpreted as 'service SomeService: XSomeIfc;' Both the former and the latter were considered to have a default constructor. This has been changed. The former is now considered to have no constructors at all. This is useful for services (like the ) not intended to be instantiated by clients, but accessed only by client code via the '' service.

New PackageManager GUI

spec link


The PackageManager GUI (Graphical User Interface) is the client front end to import, export and remove packages.

Packages, such as UNO (Universal Network Object) components or scripts (extensions with a single document), are extensions to the office suite.

The PackageManager can be accessed as a tool in the Tools menu. In general, the dialog shows a tree listbox listing all available packages, related to the context (user installation, office installation layer, or open documents) in which they reside.

Additionally, a context menu is available within the listbox at the treelistbox entries.

A help bubble shows the description of each content in the listbox of the Package Manager.

New unopkg deployment tool

spec link

The unopkg deployment tool deploys and undeploys UNO (Universal Network Object) packages into the office suite installation.

unopkg add <options> package-path . . .

unopkg remove <options> package-name . . .

unopkg list <options> package-name . . .

unopkg reinstall <options>

unopkg gui

unopkg -V

unopkg -h .

Binfilter assertions available via environment variable

issue 35605

Currently, the binfilter 'STRIP001' assertions can only be seen with a specially-built library. The non-pro office can not be started with either the parameter '-env:DBG_BF_ASSERT=true' or with the environment variable DBG_BF_ASSERT set.

Apache Xalan-J 2.6.0 added to the Office and build environment

issue 36335

Xalan-J 2.6.0, together with the embedded Xerces-J 2.6.2 version, have been added to the build environment. A new module ('xalan') has been created containing the three mandatory JARs: 'xalan.jar', 'xercesImpl.jar' and 'xml-apis.jar.'

All three JARs will be delivered into the '/program/classes' directory. Office components, which want to use them, should load the JARs by their manifest.

Exception: JDK/JRE1.4 users will still use the integrated Xalan.


spec link

A primary objective is to create production quality JavaBeans for the major components. A secondary objective is to offer a smart API to access the main elements of office documents and to process common tasks.


New Feature

Modules Affected


How to Access

Enhanced export to HTML to produce 'XHTML 1.0 Strict'

issue 18295


Exporting HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) now produces valid 'XHTML [eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language] 1.0 Strict' output.

Choose File – Export.

XHTML export enabled for Calc, Draw and Impress

spec link

Writer/Web and Math

You can now install and use XSLT-based (eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation) input/output filters.

Choose Tools - XML Filter Settings.

XForms support


XForms is an international web forms standard. is able to create and edit XForms-compatible forms.

Choose File - New and XML Forms.

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